"Every good and perfect Gift is from above,coming down from the Father of Heavenly Lights, who does not change."- James1:17
Blessed are
the crops of my land- direct benefits of our toil
Hi friends,
This morning during my Quiet Time, I was led to study the Deuteronomy 28 blessings outlined for us; His blood bought Bride. On closer and detailed examination I could find that our blessed Lord has outlined blessings for us that easily covers every single aspect of our lives. The victory has been won for us by our Lord Christ Jesus on the Cross of Calvary and all we have to do is take it in His name. Under the inspiration of the blessed Holy Spirit & with some help from online commentaries, I was able to unravel some pretty reassuring promises. I was awestruck at the Perfect all encompassing list of Blessings our good God has given us.What is it you need? Blessings in finances? Healing & Wholeness?Blessings in your work place?Blessed family life? Blessings over your children?Victory over enemies?Deliverance? Freedom from Fear/Anxiety/Worry?...You name it, He has got it covered! Here's my understanding of what is a modern practically understandable version of the blessings God has for us as we walk in Obedience. Let us agree with the Holy Spirit and declare these Promised blessings over ourselves boldly and watch them come to pass in our lives and thus Glorify the matchless Majestic name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
(Taken from Deu 28:1-14)
I am blessed
in the city- in my civil employment
I am blessed
in the country/field- blessed in my household work
Blessed is
the fruit of my womb-my children, my dreams

Blessed are
the young of my livestock- indirect benefits of our toil
Blessed is my basket- my
purse (my hand held container for collection of provision)
Blessed is
my kneading trough- the daily bread /provision for present use
I am blessed
when I come in- When I come from my employment, no evil will have happened to
my family / dwelling place in my absence.
I am blessed
when I go out-My way shall be made prosperous for me and I will enjoy Divine favor
and blessing in all my labors as I set out.
I am blessed
with Protection & Power against enemies. I am promised security from
all foreign invaders , and even if my enemies attack me in a firm & united
manner, they will be confused, utterly broken, embarrassed, terrified and will
run away - TOTAL VICTORY& Deliverance
God blesses
my barns (store houses/bank accounts ,ie my finances) and work places (my employment and
occupations) and everything will come to be by Divine appointment.
I am blessed
because the Lord separates me for His service, honor and glory. He will
sanctify me and preserve me as His holy priest.
I am blessed
because my life fills others with awe and fear in the name of the Lord Jehovah-
my life is a witness of His Name.
I am blessed
with abundant prosperity, extraordinary fruitfulness and the Special Blessing
of Heaven.
I am blessed
with Open heavens above me to give my land early and latter rains at the right
time to make it uncommonly fruitful.
All the work
of my hands is blessed by the Lord.
I am blessed
with freedom from debt. I will lend to many in need and borrow from none.
I am blessed
because the Lord has made me the head and not the tail. God has made me a leader among other people
and nations. I will rule and govern the things assigned to my life with Godly
authority, loving kindness and mercy.
I am blessed
by God and possess a Spirit of Excellence which ensures that I will always be
at the top and never at the bottom.
Let us sing : Blessed Be The Name of the Lord...
Let us always declare with the boldness and confidence of a little child the following declaration all of the days of our life:
Have a blessed week!
Sparky Laurie