
Wednesday, July 5, 2023


 "But you shall know the Truth and the Truth Shall Set You Free! " - John 8:32

Hi friends,

Hope you are doing fine. Today, I'd like to share some thoughts on this lovely song that I came across sometime back.

Everyone knows that Confidence is one of the most crucial elements to succeed and win in today’s rat race. If we look around, one thing that we can see is no matter what people go through ; they put on a strong face and their best foot forward. Many people especially the youth of today go through many hardships behind closed doors and yet we would never know that until something bad happens and we are too late. This lack of openness and transparency among us may also be one of the causes of the rising rate of suicides and other shocking destructive behavior like the school shootings etc. Much of such tragedies could be avoided if we realized that its okay not to have all the answers and that we don’t need to be filled with shame and hopelessness if we feel we don’t fit in sometimes. Truth be told, none of us has it all together and all the time. We all have seasons of great joy and sorrow, ups and downs. 

The key that helps us get through this all is to first and foremost admit that we need help and to approach someone we can confide in, sometimes a friend you can trust or a teacher, pastor, parent, or someone who would be able to help you. And of course, the best person we could confide to is our Lord Jesus Christ who never misunderstands us and is always happy to help us out no matter how messy a situation we are in! And when we cross over from that state to a better one, there’s so much we have learnt that we are then anointed to offer the same comfort to another person who God will put in our path. The best thing we can do to help someone is point them to the Cross to the Savior who saved us and loves us. “A safe place for the sick, the sinner and the Prodigal…”

I love this song by Matthew West which speaks to us about this problem and how to address it. May it bless you today!

Have a blessed week,


Sparky laurie