
Thursday, July 6, 2023


 “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord Almighty.”-Zech 4:1

Hi friends,

Hope you are doing fine. In my previous post, we saw that Confidence is one of the most important traits we should possess for success in our life. There is however a difference between having Self Confidence and Confidence in GOD. As we think about it, often self-confident people think that they are able to achieve anything in their life by their willpower or talent. The truly wise know that of our own we are not able to do anything. Even the Lord says in John 15:5 “that apart from Him we can do nothing!” Does that mean we should not trust ourselves and not to try to do anything in life? Actually,  it’s just the opposite; the ones with their Confidence in the Lord are the ones who will go to the greatest heights in life in His power & strength and achieve the impossible because of HIM. As I was ruminating over this thought,  …a new word came to my mind; - GODFIDENCE …I just looked it up and found that surprise of surprises there is a word like that! It is the belief that we can do anything because of our firm belief that it is HE who strengthens and enables us to do so. Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

We can attempt the Impossible and know that it is the Lord who has done it through us and so we will give Him all the Glory. The more we use what He has given us and in His name , the more He will empower us and we will be so grateful to Him that we will say like the psalmist says in Psalms 118:23 “This is the Lord’s doing and it’s marvellous in our eyes.”

The Bible is full of such men and women who did exploits in His name and brought Glory to our Lord. Daniel in the Lions Den, Moses in the Wilderness and David when he stood against & defeated the giant Goliath. We too are called to defeat the Giants in our life in His name and power.

One thing however we should remember is that the moment we depend on our ability we will not be able to accomplish His will in our life. We need the power of the Holy spirit to do what God has called us to do. Peter walked on the water when he fixed his eyes on the Lord. However when he saw the waves he remembered his frailty and panicked but the Lord took hold of him immediately. The same way, we can rest assured that as long as we are walking with our eyes fixed on Jesus the author and Finisher of our faith , we may slip but we will never drown for His eye is upon us always! Just like an eager mother watches her little toddler take his first tottering steps…encouraging the baby to take small steps…always ready to reach out and help the baby in case he falls, in the same way, our Father is EL ROI – the God who sees and watches us take steps as He directs us :) 

Sharing a song that speaks about facing our Giants with  GODFIDENCE!

Enjoy CONFIDENCE by Sanctus Real :

Have a blessed week!

Sparky laurie