
Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Grace has got us!!!

Hi friends,
This week I'd like to share a beautiful song that I came across. I think it in a peppy manner tells us exactly what Grace is.
What is Grace? It is unmerited favor.When we know for sure that it wasn't us that accomplished something, we know that we don't deserve one bit of the credit that comes, that is when we say it's His favor or His Grace and mercy alone.
We see in 2 Corinthians 12:9 that "His Grace is sufficient for us." That's the reason why we appear totally as if we got away with something sometimes, it may even appear unjust to some onlooker who may say ,how on earth did he get that??? that's when we say Grace got me. That's the reason we hum the tune long after the song is over,sing loud enough for the back row to hear, glide coz walking would not be enough, dance even if we don't know how to.We laugh till our sides ache and smile coz we know we got away with something not because we deserved it but bcoz He chose for us to have it!Strange and peculiar we may seem to them but that's alright....we are after all according to 1 Peter 2:9 "a chosen generation,a royal priesthood ,a holy nation,a peculiar people who should show forth the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvellous light."
Sharing the link to this awesome song GRACE GOT YOU by Mercy Me (with rapping by John Reuben)

So next time things are tough, just remember that its only a matter of time...Grace has got us!
Have a wonderful week,