
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Only Jesus !!!

Hi friends,
Hope you are doing fine.  We are also doing fine by the Grace of God. I was just listening to this beautiful song by Casting Crowns. The world tells us one thing but the Lord tells us another. The real purpose of our lives is to glorify Him. No matter what happens in our life,we can be sure that the Lord is always near us and will protect us from all calamity that may surround us. I have heard a quote : " When you look inside, you will be stressed,when you look around, you will be distressed but when you look at Jesus,you will be blessed." So no matter what happens, just make sure that you have fixed your gaze upon JESUS, the One who is True & Faithful, our Gracious Redeemer & Restorer. He has proved His faithfulness to us time and again and so we can be sure that He will come through for us.
Always keep in mind the words of John the Baptist IN JOHN 3:30 "He must increase and we must decrease."
Sharing two beautiful songs which is based on this verse. Hope you enjoy them as they draw you closer to Him.

"Only JESUS" -  by Casting Crowns

"Tu bade main ghatu" by Shelley  Reddy-