
Monday, August 8, 2016

What is Faith?

Jer 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you, to give you a future and a hope."
Hi friends,
Hope you’re doing well. Today I'd like to share something on Faith. What is the meaning of FAITH? Faith according to Philip Yancey means  "Trusting in Advance what will make sense only in Reverse." Lets take a look at Hebrews Chapter 11 which is the hallmark of faith chapter.
Faith is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen.It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see. God gave his approval to people in days of old because of Faith.

1)By Faith Abel's anointing was more acceptable than Cain's- Not that Abel was better or holier but his faith.
2)By Faith Enoch was taken up to Heaven without is impossible to please God without faith.Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that there is  God & that He rewards those who sincerely seek Him.- The key is not He rewards perfect people but that He rewards those that genuinely seek Him.
3)By Faith Noah built an Ark to save his family from the flood.By faith He condemned the rest of the world and was made right in God's sight. God sees what no man sees in us, He sees our heart.
4)It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home & go to another land that God would give him as His inheritance. he went without knowing where he was going.- We got to walk on waves , doesn't matter we don't know where , but we know the One who is taking us there.:)
5)It was by faith that Sarah together with Abraham was able to have a child even though they were too old & Sarah was barren, Abraham believed that God would keep his promise. God can always be trusted. He does not change. He never lies. He will complete what he starts. As long as you know He said it, you can be sure, He will do it. 

All of these people mentioned above received God's approval because of their faith, yet none of them received all that God had promised. for God had far better things in mind... for we can't receive the prize at the end of the race until we finish the race."

Faith is the currency of Heaven!

Friends you may wonder who am I, without any theological training or credentials or any references to speak into your spiritual life? They even asked Jesus the Son of God , the same question. So it’s no surprise that you may doubt / question me. This is not about me , this is about Him. And truly speaking, we already know we are nothing without Him. But no one could deny the  power & authority of Jesus . A truly anointed man/ woman of God knows that it is God in them and not them. I am a carrier of His Glory! and choose to honor His presence more than anything in this world. Listen below to this video to understand more about being a carrier of His Glory and why God chooses the foolish things of this world to shame the so called wise! (1 Corin 1:27):

Our God is a Resurrector of Dead Dreams. Do you know how painful waiting can be…for your Dream to come true? Year after year after year … My dream has always been to serve the Lord. Right from my very childhood I knew that’s what I wanted to do. And that dream kept me going no matter what came against me.  I accepted the Lord in the year 1996 at a college camp and it is the music of REX band that actually captured my heart & led me to the Lord. Sharing below some of those songs that made me accept  Jesus as my Lord & Savior years back. Hope it blesses you. You can read my Testimony here.  CHRIST HAS NO BODY NOW BUT YOURS   GLORY GLORY LORD 

Yes Church, love makes us do the craziest things for the One we love! That’s why God Almighty sent His Only Begotten Son to die that painful , shameful death on the Cross of Calvary! He willingly died that death because He loved you that much .... Church, let us never allow that Sacrifice to be in vain…

I am so excited as I wait expectantly and in wonder about what He’s about to do ….and friend, our God has never ever disappointed me…J We will let you know how you can come and be part of this wonderful experience. Start where you are , with what you have…Be the light that God has created you to be. Shine brighter every day and friend , you're invited to be part of this movement to shine for Jesus where you are with what you have in your hand... Stay tuned for more… as He leads… in His time …in His way!
Like always,
Keep us in your prayers,
Sparky laurie