
Sunday, August 14, 2016

Importance of Family Prayer

“But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”- Joshua 24:15

Hi Friends,

Today I felt the Lord leading us to learn about the importance of family prayer in our homes. The family is the basic unit of the Society. If we are to grow as effective disciples of Jesus, that must start first at home.The enemy always tries to separate the family members because He knows that there is power in unity when the different members come together. So make sure you set apart a suitable time everyday when all the members of your family could assemble together. The father is the head of the family unit just as Christ is the Head of the Church. The wife must submit to her husband as long as what He says in line with the Word of God. (1 Peter 3:1-7) Children submit to the parents.(Eph 6:1,2) If there is no family prayer already, take the initiative to start one. God always expects us to work as one unit. It is the Lord who has selected our family for us and we need to pray together in order to stay together no matter what storms come in our life.

Here are some guidelines. Feel free to do it in your unique way. Each family is special to God. Let the Holy Spirit lead you.
1)Start with a few songs. Invite the Holy Spirit to come to your house.
2)Make sure to teach the kids small choruses and memory verses.
3)Then the Father could select a particular portion and read from the Bible. Best is to go acc to Bible in 1 year reading plan which is available online. Take print outs.
While he reads, all members could try and see what that the passage means to them. each member can share their findings and we could put the different parts together to get a beautiful summary.
4)Each member could read different portions of the Bible.
5)Discuss openly what are the prayer needs to pray for and start praying for them.
6)Then someone could lead in prayer. For those who don't know, it may be awkward at first but just like learning a new language,with regular practice we improve.
7)Find suitable Scriptures to back up your prayers for speedy answers! * Ref Thought Conditioners
8)Remember the other members of the family too in case they are not staying with us.
9)Another thing that could be done is when any member of the family is having difficulty they could ask the other members to pray for them. I like to ask my son to pray for me when I have a headache etc. The Lord loves children and will be sure to answer their prayers speedily!
Intercede - Pray for other people who come to your mind. You could even have a diary to note the needs.
10)Pray for the Church pastors and leaders.
11)Pray for the leaders , Nation & the World
12)Pray for missionaries doing Gods work in different places.
13)Pray for any specific needs that God puts on your heart. (Pray for the things you want to see change in your family.)
14) Read Psalms 91 and pray for angelic protection.When the family comes together in prayer, all enemy forces are driven out and angels come in. And there will be more unity, peace and love in the home.
14) Say the Lords prayer together.
15)By doing this on a regular basis we develop prayer as a life style and the children also learn that no matter what we face in life, there is a place where the family can come together and we can minister to one another. You would be surprised at the power our little family actually possesses!

Lets make a promise today friends, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."- Joshua 24:15 

Enjoy this beautiful song: (Its one of my personal favorites!)

As we continue this way, we will see miracles in every home.
And do remember us in ur family prayer! :)

Take care, God bless,
Sparky laurie