
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Serving the Kingdom or the KING?

Hi friends,
Hope you are doing great. Quite recently, I was talking to one of my spiritual mentors and was sharing with her how in spite of wanting so very badly to work in the Christian Ministry and be put to use in the field of Christian Missions, somehow I never could get even near an opportunity and how I had also miserably failed in all my past efforts of making that happen. She shared with me an illustration and lesson so profound that it hit bull’s-eye. It was so good that I just felt I should share it with you too. And that’s how I came up with this post. Hope what you read blesses you as much as it did for me! ;)
Aunty reminded me of the Bible story of Zachaeus and the sycamore fig tree on which he climbed to catch a glimpse of Jesus who went about doing miracles and healing the sick.(Luke 19:1-10). 

The sycamore fig tree grows wild and nobody usually makes any effort to plant or cultivate it. It grows to great heights and has got low limbs which enable even a little child to climb it in order to get a better view. The fruit of the tree looks like a fig but its taste is unpleasant. This almost useless tree is the tree that helped the short-statured Zachaeus to catch a glimpse of Jesus by helping him to rise up above the crowd.

Often in life we may be like this sycamore tree, without any glory and seemingly useless but whatever we are , wherever we are and that which we have is exactly the way God had intended. If He wanted something else He would have made it or if He wanted us somewhere else He would have placed us there. If we continue to be faithful where He has placed us, we will be in His perfect will and that is exactly where He will use us to raise many other Zacheauses who are searching for and need our help to find Jesus.

Point to ponder : Everyone remembers Zacheaus and His transformation but hardly any of us actually remembers the sycamore fig tree that made all that possible. Are we willing to be that sycamore tree? Which one really matters?Being faithful or being famous? 
Let us decide today to be that sycamore tree on which others can climb in order to see Jesus. Let us not serve the Kingdom but the KING.  Enjoy this poem that I came across on the site Empowering Christian Women 
What is Ministry? 
Listening, when you'd rather fix the problem. 
Searching for the joy, when it's easier to say "it's not fair." 
Helping, when you feel like you're the one who needs the help. 
Telling God, "use me", when you'd rather ask to be rescued. 
Encouraging, even when you don't understand God's reasoning
Hugging when it feels awkward. 
Saying, "let's pray right now," instead of "I'll pray for you." 
Serving, when you doubt you have anything left to give. 
Comforting, by being the flicker of light in others' dark caverns.
~ Author Unknown

Click below to enjoy this beautiful song: GO LIGHT YOUR WORLD by Kathy Troccoli

Have a blessed week!
Take care, God bless us all,
Sparky Laurie