
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Joy of the Lord is my Strength!

Psalms 28:7 "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song."
Hi friends,

How are you doing today? Is there a smile on your face this morning? If not, just allow one on your face right now. Forget the burdens of your yesterday, the fears of your tomorrow and just smile for this one  moment....and the next ...and the next. WHY? Well, coz you are alive,coz God is on HIS throne and totally in control of everything in your life. Friend, would you just say out aloud these words with me?

"I choose to be JOYFUL today. My life situations may not be 100% alright. I may not be all I wish I was. My bills may be unpaid. My body may be sick. My prayers unanswered. My loved one may be dying,  I may not even feel happy. But I choose to be  strong in the JOY of the Lord.
Lord, I choose to be JOYFUL coz I have breath in my nostrils,
I am JOYFUL coz I have eyes to see, coz I have Internet connection to browse with ,
I am Joyful coz I know that GOD loves me with an Infinite Unfailing Unconditional Love.
I am Joyful coz Jesus blood covers me with a robe of righteousness. 
I am Joyful coz I am fearfully and wonderfully made in God's very own image and that He is evermindful of me.
I am Joyful that I have His faithful promises to stand on and so no weapon formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises against me in judgement I will condemn for this is my heritage as the servant of the Lord and my righteousness comes from Him.
I am joyful bcoz God's favor surrounds me on every side.
 I am Joyful coz blessings and honor chase me all the days of my life.
I am Joyful coz the Lord anoints my head with oil and prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies.
I am Joyful coz I choose to be strong in HIM. 
 I am Joyful with the Joy that His Holy Spirit gives me and it is His Joy that will give me the Strength to face and get thru today, tomorrow and every other day of my life.  - In Jesus Loving Name, Amen

Take a deep breath friend and feel the Joy arising in your spirit and flooding your whole being and now your face through your smile. Smile today and spread the JOY of the Lord! ;)

Click to enjoy these songs:

Have a JOYFUL week!

Take care,God bless us all!

Sparky Laurie