
Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Hi friends,
Its been quite a while since I have been able to write down a few lines simply coz the last two weeks has been quite a trying time for me.I guess you can understand what I mean when I say that aside from the travel and the discomforts associated with it, I fractured my foot, then there were power failure problems followed by net connectivity problems, misundertandings,sickness,accusations,disappointments and sheer exhaustion. It was as if my life was turned upside down and I began to ask God why this was happening to me.My doubts and frustrations increased when a well meaning acquaintance suggested to cry and pray asking God why all this was happening. It was as if I had done something wrong but as far as I knew, I loved God with all my heart had dedicated my whole life to serving Him,was doing my duties faithfully and genuinely leading a fruitful life to the best of my ability and learning more everyday then why was there so much pain?I just could not understand.Every pillar of comfort I had turned to in the past suddenly disappeared ; good friends suddenly seemed distant even the Internet was cut off. It was that time of life when a question mark is all you see: no full stops, commas or exclamations.I didnt have any joy in me.I was hurt ,bitter and angry both with God and man.I had questions and no answers.I write this post just to share with you something I learnt during one of the lowest points in my life and that is EVEN WHEN IT ALL SEEMS DARK, HE STILL CARES.
He spoke to me through a second hand book I accidentally came across : ARMING FOR SPIRITUAL WARFARE by George Mallone which helped me understand that my sudden unexplainable series of misfortunes were not just bad luck but the subtle strategy of the Enemy to discourage me and thus render me ineffective in my endeavors to share the light and love of God that Christ has put in me.
I strongly recommend this powerful book for every man/woman who is a true warrior for the Lord.Just sharing a small portion from the portion realm of suffering that really encouraged me: "I now believe all of us are at our best when we are receiving some degree of opposition,especially when we are attempting to expand the kingdom of God..In other words kingdom expansion and spiritual warfare through persecution go hand in hand.The Father knows everything happening to us and we are valuable in His sight.Persecution cannot undo the Father's will for us nor will it affect His care for us....This persecution which goes on all the time for all of us can eat away at our strength and cause us to want to give up.But it is just spiritual warfare and it is common to all those who push against the enemy's camp."-ARMING FOR SPIRITUAL WARFARE by George Mallone
The book describes the problems to expect and the ways to tackle them as they arise.Though I have read many books on Spiritual Warfare this book was really special in that it was as if God placed it in my hand in my time of need to explain to me what was going on.The author covers many angles not usually dealt with by other authors.
 Dear friend, its amazing how things suddenly fall into place and obstacles clear when we recognize the real problem and focus on praising God and prayer rather than wondering and trying to find out what went wrong and why. Things are better,foot is healing and thank God for uninterupted Internet connection since last night! ;) Please do remember me in your prayers as I continue to share what the Lord continues to teach me.
Praise God that nothing is wasted in the Lord's hands and He can take our tests and make it our testimony.
It feels great to be back! Much love and best regards,

Enjoy these lovely songs by Don Moen :

Take care, God bless

Sparky Laurie