
Sunday, November 27, 2011


Hi friends,
Have you ever really wondered "what is my role in this world?" /" Where is my place?" We all have good lives but have we ever really cared to look deeper within ourselves and question the very reason of our existence? I do sometimes. This post is more a talk with the Father Heart of GOD. Hope it blesses you!
It’s true that we are all caught up in the daily grind of life: making money, taking care of loved ones and hanging out with friends, even worshipping God but oft late I’ve really been wondering; “Lord what is YOUR plan for me, for my life?”What went through your mind when YOU carefully fashioned us in our mother’s womb? Did your heart flutter with excitement? Were you thrilled as we entered the world? Did you watch with pride as we took our first steps and learnt our first words? As we took our first exams and as we made our first friends? Did you dance with joy when we first accepted you as our Lord?Did you smile as we said our first prayers? Did you cry as you saw tears trickle down our cheeks for the first time? Did your heart break as you watched our hearts break for the first time? Did you applause as you saw us emerge stronger after each fall? Did you laugh with us on our sunny days? Did you look down at us in love when we were lonely? Did you watch with concern as we made our first mistakes? Did you sigh as we unknowingly made the same mistakes again? Did you rejoice at the things we did right? Did your heart sing as we got better at recognizing Your Voice and seeing Your Hand in our lives?
We know Lord that even before you made each one of us, you had an amazing plan for us and trust that you will make it happen in your time and way. In the mean time help us Lord to just stay grateful trusting YOU and standing on your promises knowing that your grace will never take us where your love cannot keep us.
Lord, it never matters how many things we do right or the many times we blow it or mess up as YOU only smile at us knowing fully well that we are trying and learning each day to become more and more like your Son Jesus and that is all that really matters to YOU!
And that is why we love you Lord because YOU are YOU and because YOU cherish each and every one of your children and have a special plan for our lives which you will bring to fulfillment in your time and way! Thank YOU Lord that you are the light to help us find our way in this world.
Your DAUGHTER forever,

Have a blessed week!
Take care, God bless,
Sparky Laurie

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