
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Sometimes I feel homesick for Heaven (Poem)

Hi friends, sharing a few lines written by me to express some random thoughts that came to mind. I pray it blesses you!

I’m a lonely wandering pilgrim
Sojourning the face of this earth
Doing the good I know I should
Spreading the message that God is good.

I believe there is good in every person
Simply because there is God in every soul.
We all have fallen, we all have sinned
We all are broken and hurting within
There is no perfect Christian, there is no sinless Saint
There is no person on earth without a single taint
Let there be no confusion, let there be no doubt
You’re made in His image, it doesn’t matter what you’re all about.
Whether you are a Church-goer who doesn’t really know Him
Or whether you are a bar dancer, He doesn’t give a whim.
That’s what so special about Him, that’s why I call Him Lord
That is what makes us man and what makes Him God.

He never judges to condemn us, He only convicts of our sin.
He doesn’t want a perfect act,
He loves us as we are and that’s a fact.
He knows us better than we know ourselves
But loves us too much to leave us that way
He listens to our unwhispered prayers
He wipes our tears and knows our cares.
It is His hand that has fashioned each of us unique
He knows us; when we are strong & when we are weak
We may be fearful or bold, gentle or mild,
We may be worldly, we may be wild
We are all made in God’s very own image
Like it or not, He already calls us His Child

God shaped holes man cannot fill,
We may play it cool, we may try to chill,
We may fool the world, but our heart it knows
That with nothing on earth the emptiness goes.

We may choose to ignore His voice and go our way,
But then there is also a price to pay.
For when the day is done and when it’s time to go
We may call on Him but He will say ; you, I do not know.
The Loving Savior is calling us today
All we have to say is Jesus, I choose your way.

Our God is a Heart Specialist and all He wants is a willing heart.
If we trust Him with it, He will do His part
He will make us just like Him little by little each day
And when it gets tough , He will carry us along the way.

The Christian life is not a boring one,
Life with Jesus is truly so much fun.
There’s joy & peace & security
Provision & companionship & tranquility
Guidance and wisdom for every little thing
Balm and kisses for every little sting

Our Lord has a great sense of humor
Our Lord can heal any tumor
Our God has riches abounding
Our God has mercies astounding

I am no Liar, I am your friend
I tell you the truth His love knows no end.
I find myself unworthy of the task
I am open & forthright, I wear no mask.
His love, it compels me.
At His name, I bow my knee.
For He alone is worthy of all Praise
And I will love & adore Him all of my days.
I long to share this secret with all
It’s a responsibility that comes with the call.

Often, Oh! Jesus I feel your pain
Your death at Calvary will never be in vain
Holy Father, who gave us Your All
Only to hear us respond to Your Call.

A parting word to you my friend,
With love and prayers to you I send
Look never to me nor a Christian brother
Focus your eyes on Christ and no other.
For He alone is the Perfect One
He is our Savior and  God’s only Son.

-         Sparky Laurie
   (Oct, 2011)

Take care, God bless,
Sparky Laurie
PS: Enjoy this lovely song by the legendary Jim Reeves!
Click :

Related post :  JIM REEVES SONGS