
Sunday, July 24, 2011

July 24th 2011 A TRIBUTE & A PROMISE

Hi there,
This post is very different from any I have written. It has 2 parts.
The 1st part is a Tribute or a Love song to my loving Lord Jesus who has miraculously brought me thus far. My heart is full of gratitude, love ,admiration and awe  as I look back over the past years, ….my cheeks are wet with tears proudly declaring that HE has faithfully carried me through it all and brought me to where I am today.
Click to Enjoy my Tribute as Song: YOU RAISE ME UP TO MORE THAN I CAN BE  :
The 2nd Part of this Post is a Dedication or A Promise to Follow Jesus all my Life. And for those of you who’d like to know Why Jesus is such a Big Deal to Me, I’ve written this poem to share that with you.
Why is Jesus Such a Big Deal to me? Let me tell you why…
He gave me KNOWLEDGE when I was foolish.
He gave me WISDOM when I was confused.
He gave me STRENGTH when I was weak.

He gave me COMPANIONSHIP when I was lonely.
He HUGGED me when I was hurting
He BANDAGED my heart when it was broken
He HEALED me when I was sick.
He  SOOTHED me when I was in pain.
He COUNSELLED me when I needed guidance.
He ENCOURAGED me  when I was discouraged
He DEFENDED me, even when I was guilty.
He SANCTIFIED me  when I needed cleansing
He CORRECTED when I was wrong.
He gave me CONFIDENCE when I was fearful.
He PROTECTED me  when I was in danger.
He taught me BOLDNESS when I was timid.
He PROVIDED for me when I was in need.
He was my LIGHT when I was in darkness
He was my WAY when I was lost
He was my JOY when I was depressed.
He gave me DIRECTION in life when I didn’t have any.
He has been EVERYTHING to me, ALL I ever needed.
Now you tell me friend , isn’t that reason enough for Him to be A Big Deal for Me?
HE is my LIFE and I will follow HIM forever.
Hope you enjoyed this post.Would you like to have this wonderful Jesus as the Lord of your life? Just say this prayer with me:
Click to enjoy this Dedication Song : I WILL FOLLOW YOU:
Have a blessed week.
Take care,God bless,
Sparky laurie