
Friday, July 15, 2011

July 15th 2011 Is the One Thing Needful Recognition /Applause? - Part 2

THE 3 A's Of Recognition:
Last week, we saw Part 1 : 3 I’s of Recognition. This week let’s see the 3 A’s related to it.
1)      Ambition
2)      Attitude
3)      Allegiance
    Let us see them one by one:

1)      Ambition :
      Are you ambitious by nature? I’m a very ambitious person in that I want to make things happen and definitely in a Big Way. We live in a Society driven by highly ambitious people. Though a certain degree of Ambition can actually be a good motivation to reach places in life, it also has a harmful side if taken to the extreme. The best example for this is how Lucifer the Morning Star who was also once an Archangel of God due to his excessive ambition to become bigger than His Maker was filled with Pride and thus lost all he once had; his dignity and position and was driven out of Heaven. In pursuit of being recognized by others, let us never forget what we already have. It is all about Never Forgetting our Roots no matter how much we succeed in life. Bob Marley sums it up beautifully:  ”Don’t forget your history, nor your destiny.”

2)      Attitude :  
      If you want to be Recognized in Life, the best way is to develop a Winner Attitude. “Life’s battles don’t always go to the faster or stronger man, but sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can.”-Vince Lombardi. Before you start arguing with me about how hard it is for you and that you have given up trying, I am going to introduce you to 3 people who I love with all my heart and who have reminded me many times in my life through their life stories of how to believe in yourself  in spite of whatever life throws at you.The next time you are tempted to give up, just remember them:  




       Jessica ( BA Psychology) Motivational Speaker from USA is also a former dancer and double black belt in Tai Kown-Do. She is the first lady in history to pilot a plane without arms. Today, she cooks, eats, washes dishes, curls her own hair, puts on her make- up, contact lenses and writes and types with her feet. A Certified Scuba Diver, she also likes to ice skate.
     An inspiring woman - a real heroine not only for her achievements but also for the joy she radiates and her amazing sense of humor. “When asked about her plans on marriage….she said that she looks forward to it and laughingly replied “the hardest part will be for the suitor to ask my hand from my parents.”…. Talk about gutsy…talk about attitude! And this brave woman leaves us with a challenging question … “I do not have arms but that does not determine where I can go…. And you, what do you lack to touch the sky?...” 

    All three of the above are recognized the world over because they all had one thing in common. They all   had WINNER Attitudes.
3)     Allegiance:
Our Allegiance must always be to the Lord alone for He alone is worthy of it. Col 3:23-24: “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not unto men, knowing that from the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance, for ye serve the Lord Christ.”
     We all need Recognition, we are made that way but let us strive for the Applause that really matters- the  Recognition of the Father who says: “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well  pleased.”(Mark 1:11)

Click to enjoy this beautiful Video: “When it’s all been said & done, there is just one thing that matters!”

Take Care, God bless,
Sparky Laurie

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