
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Destined For Greatness!

“Now all glory to God, who is able ,through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”- Ephesians 3:20

Hi friends,

Hope you are doing fine. It’s been a while now since I’ve penned something. Today I want to share 2 keys to overcoming any trial in your life successfully. This post is based on something I learnt recently from a great man of God who has been through one of the biggest trials of his life and has come out stronger!

We all go through different types of trials in our lives. For some it may be some financial issue, for another it may be death of a loved one or a sickness in the body or mind or some kind of family/ personal relationship issue. Sometimes however, we may go through trials that may seem so unfair that we may be tempted to ask Lord why has this happened or worse…may even cause us to wallow in self-pity asking the question, “ why Me Lord?”…Those are instances in life when we suffer despite doing the right thing. We suffer for standing up for the right cause. In such cases, we must remember the Biblical examples of Stephen the Martyr, John the Baptist and of course our Lord Jesus Christ- all of whom suffered pain, misunderstanding, rejection, loneliness and ultimately death despite living righteous lives and causing no harm to anyone. Yes, there are such times in our lives when we need to remember that we are followers of Christ and that means we need to embrace the Cross and follow Him daily. Jesus says in Mathew 16:24 that “If anyone wants to be my Disciple, he must deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me.”

We are all born in the image of God and therefore each one of us has a great purpose in this life that only we can accomplish.  It may be visible to others, or it may not be visible to others, but we must continue faithfully whatever task the Lord has given us and shine as bright as we can in our respective places that the Lord has placed us. Amidst this, there may be instances for us to get disappointed or discouraged due to the trials in our life. As mentioned in John 16:33 we are only human and so it is only natural that by default; as being part of this fallen world, that we go through different kinds of problems, trials, and testing but the real question is how can we rise above them successfully? Here are 2 main keys for this :  1) Do Not Allow Offense to Sabotage your Greatness.  

2)      Do Not Allow Intimidation to Sabotage your Greatness.

 Let us see each point in detail. The first point is do not let Offense sabotage your greatness- Offense means we perceive an insult or disregard to ourselves. It means we are hurt over the slightest of issues. This must not be so if we are true followers of Christ. We must be humble and forgiving and full of love even to those who hurt us whether it be intentional or not. This can be very difficult but the Lord who watches over us will reward us when we choose to be free of offense. Our life too would be hassle-free from issues and misunderstandings that stem from assumptions. We instead choose to be intentional and deliberate in our love walk. Proverbs 19:11 says :”A person’s wisdom yields patience; it is to one’s glory to overlook an offense.”

The 2nd point is Do not allow Intimidation or Fear to Sabotage your Greatness- Often in life, we know the right thing to do, but somehow we bow down to fear. Often its fear of what other people will say or think or will I be misunderstood or may be even will I be understood??? And that keeps us from doing the good we know we should and being the best that we can be so let’s just roll up our sleeves and look fear in the face and say not today fear “ For God has not given me a Spirit of Fear but of Power, Love & a Sound Mind!” – 2 Timothy 1:7 & add to that Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Let me end with this quote from Nike: “Greatness…… it’s just something we made up. Somehow, we’ve come to believe that ‘greatness’ is a gift reserved for a Chosen few- for Prodigies, for Superstars & the rest of us can only stand by …. watching! You can forget that ‘greatness’ is not some rare DNA Strand, it’s not some precious thing, ‘greatness’ is no more unique to us than breathing! We’re all capable of it, all of us! Find your Greatness!


Have a blessed week!
