
Thursday, November 7, 2019

Wine out of the Vine & Diamonds out of Dust!

Hi friends,
 Today I d like to share some thoughts the Lord gave me as I was going through my Morning Devotional .The Text is John 15 :5 : " I am the Vine and you are the branches. Whoever lives in Me and I in Him bears much fruit.However, apart from Me, you can do nothing.
What the Lord is asking us to do is actually pretty simple, all that He's asking us to do is ABIDE in Him Instead of our struggle with sin,sickness, curses, unholiness,depression,shame,poverty,loneliness or death , we just accept Him as our Lord & Savior and He freely gives us all that is His.

As we take Communion, by partaking of the elements the bread which represents His Body broken for us and the Wine which represents the Holy Blood of Jesus, we are actually exchanging that which we have for that which is His.A Divine Exchange takes place.
1) We are forgiven and made righteous in exchange for our sin.(2 Corin 5:21)
2) We are healed from sickness and disease as He bore our transgressions and iniquities (Isa 53:4)
3) We are delivered from generational curses and are now totally blessed.(Gal 3:13)
4)We are clean because of His spoken Word over us.(John 15:3)
5)We are free from sorrow because His joy now fills our hearts.(John 15:11)
6) He took our broken minds and has given us His mind.(1 Corin 2:16)
7) He took our shame and covered us with His Glory(Hebrews12:2, Psalms 3:3)
8) He took our poverty and gave us His riches. (2 Corin 8:9)
9) He has taken our loneliness and calls us His Friend and promises never to leave us alone.(John 15:15,Joshua 1:5)
10)Instead of death, He gives us eternal life.(John 10:10)

Abiding in Jesus and filling our minds with His Word leads us to right thinking which then leads to right actions and finally right witness.( John 15:26,27) Spiritual talk doesn't always make sense to the unsaved but anybody can understand the fruit of the Spirit kindness, joy, peace and stability through loving actions. We are all a work in Progress and He will finish what He has started.(Philippians 3:10-17)
Let's surrender to our Lord who is the Master Craftsman and will never give up on us.


Have a fruitful week!

Sparky laurie