
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made!

Psalms 139:14 “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

Hi friends,
Hope you are doing well. The other day I was listening to some kids songs and stumbled across one which has always been a favorite of mine right through my childhood. It’s a well-known song called ‘If I were a butterfly’, which tells us about how God has made each human, animal, bird or insect specially and if God wanted us in another form, he would have made us like that but since he made us in a particular way, He expects us to be just that in the best way we can. He never condemns us  or looks at us with disdain for our goof ups! Our Lord knows us so well and actually enjoys each of us coming to Him in the most authentic and sincere way we can, just as we are without any mask or formality. After all, He chose for us to be made that way. Our Father is such a creative genius. He has created all of us down to the last detail in such an extraordinary way. 

Even each of our thumbprints is one of a kind. When we pause and think about the time that the Lord took in putting every detail of us into our DNA, we can just sit back and wonder at the intricate details that our Lord Almighty goes into. Even things we don’t know about ourselves, is well known to Him bcoz after all He is the Master Craftsman. I am awestruck when I take in the love of the Father in putting each one of us together The effort it takes to be an original in this world of clones is sometimes more than we can realize.

In our journey of life, all of us have had to encounter Rejection at some point or other. Then what makes the difference is in our responses. The Father loved us so much He gave us His only begotten Son to die for us and Jesus loved us so much that He willingly gave up His all for us and The Blessed Holy Spirit loves us so much that He actually lives in us as our Constant Companion, Best Friend, Wisest Adviser, all rolled into one. When we really understand this and we realize how much we are actually loved by our Heavenly Father we will quit unnecessarily worrying about how many reject us or the reason why they do .We will also be careful not to reject ourselves or anyone else for that matter. For when we do that, we in effect tell the Lord that we don’t like what His hand has fashioned and how could the pot ever question the Potter? In fact we realize that we are all integral parts of His Master plan just like there are many pieces in a Jigsaw puzzle and each piece is important in order to complete it similarly for the Father’s will to be fulfilled , each of us has to do our individual parts. This awareness that we are part of a bigger picture makes us more secure in His unconditional & unchangeable Love for us and fills us with appreciation for all He puts in our lives and we realize that there is a purpose for all that happens in our life. Much of which we will fully understand only later.But for now , we can trust our Good Father who can flip around any situation for our good! Rom 8:28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

Click here to enjoy the beautiful Song: If I were a butterfly

When we surrender our every move to Jesus we can be sure of success in every step. 

Click to enjoy another of my favorite songs: EVERY MOVE I MAKE by Hill songs: 

Have a blessed week!

Take care, God bless,

Sparky Laurie