
Monday, August 22, 2016

I was made to worship , I was made to bless your name

Hi friends,

Often we wonder whether to do something or not. As long as you are sure it is the Lord speaking to you, I'd say go for it. If you don't you will grieve the Holy Spirit and that is the worst kind of suffering of all. Go ahead step out in faith , do what God is telling you to. But always be humble, simple and display Christ likeness in your behavior. As long as you are finely tuned with the Father's heart, you can never go wrong.

Let me share the songs that I love.

Remember always we are made to Worship our Maker, not people, not self ,not even the Ministry. With eyes on Jesus from start to finish, Christianity is a piece of cake!
Sing along....

Do not ever grieve the Spirit by focusing on anyone else. We just need to focus on Jesus and if we are right with Him, don't bother what anyone else thinks. Like I always said, I don't have all the answers coz I'm just like you, only that my hardships drew me to search and know Him more intimately than many of us, but that is for everyone else. That's the way the Father loves it for all His children to sit on His lap and hear His voice and look with His eyes. So go ahead swerve neither left nor right as long as you are in tune with the Father's heart, abandon yourself to Him like David did in the Bible and let His name be glorified !

Do keep us in your prayers,
Love n prayers,
Sparky laurie