
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

We are Overcomers in Christ

Psalms 84:11”For the LORD God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.”
Hi friends,
Hope you are doing good. I just would like to testify of the Lord’s goodness and faithfulness.We have been blessed with a new home, an answer to a long awaited prayer.  When His children ask anything in accordance with His will, it will be done. Maybe not immediately but we can be sure that if we pray like this: “Father; this is my desire, let your will be done and in your perfect timing. I trust that you always know what is best for your children. Be it unto me according to your Word, according to your promises I shall stand secure.”  You will surely watch and see things come to pass. God is no respecter of persons what He has done for us, He will definitely do for you!
This week I’d like to encourage those of you who are going through a tough time and feel no answers coming. This poem below is a reminder of who you are in Christ- AN OVERCOMER. It has been a tremendous encouragement to me. Be blessed!


The battle I know surrounds us
No doubting that it’s real,
But we have to see our victory
Is not in how we feel. 

Its reality is because of Calvary,
Authority is now our own
We view it not from our humanity
But from a heavenly throne.

 As I’m seated with my Savior
And His grace now fills my heart
I treat my adversary with contempt
And determine to play my part.

 Not intimidated nor diverted
By my enemies beguiling talk,
With Christ within my reality
In boldness I make my walk.

The triumph is not in avoidance
But in the joy as I overcome
So I’ll laugh in the face of my enemy
Not cringe in the shadows like some.

I’ll declare the Word with boldness
“It is written” shall be my cry.
Satan is a mere distraction
Failing miserably in his try.

 My life set free to focus
On the greatness of God’s call
Not shackled by a worrying
If I’ll stand or I’ll fall.

 Confusion and intimidation
Belong to those who in neutral lie
But I will forge ever forward
With resolute gaze and head held high. 

I am not called to meditate
On the possibilities of defeat
But to see God’s awesome majesty
And now Satan under my feet.

The keys of victory in spirit
Lie in a victorious overcoming Lord
Who fills my every consciousness
Not my enemy or his horde

Consumed by my Father’s beauty
Every day to possess His call
 I reach to embrace my future
To give His call my all 

So victory is now assured
As His greatness fills my heart,
This will be my confession
As each new day I start!

Have a blessed week!
Take care, God bless,
Sparky Laurie