
Friday, January 20, 2012


John 13:35 : “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
Hi friends,
Hope all of you are doing great!
Mahatma Gandhi has once remarked “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”.We need to be awakened to the reality of the truth spoken by this great man who could see the difference between Christ and Christians.
Let us ask ourselves : “How much of Christ can the world around see in us?”
Eph 4:15 : “By speaking the truth in love, we will grow up completely and become one with the head, that is, one with the Messiah”

 “Let authenticity be one great mark of your approach to Christ, and there is everything to give you hope…Let there be nothing of coldness, of double-dealing, of dishonesty, of sham, of counterfeit, in your Christianity. Never be content to wear a cloak of religion. Be all that you profess. Though you may sin, be authentic. Though you may stumble, be true. Keep this principle continually before your eyes, and it will be well with your soul throughout your journey from grace to glory.” -J.C. Ryle

Click to hear this song by Christy Nockels ‘They will know us BY OUR LOVE’

Prayer: Lord make us more and more like you with every passing day.
Have a wonderful week,
Take care, God bless,
Sparky Laurie