
Monday, October 3, 2011


Hi friends,
How are you doing today? Just was listening to this beautiful song- to be honest, I was feeling a little low in spirits and was ministered to by these soothing words. Pain is a universal phenomenon; it comes and goes but it never leaves us the same.  The only constant that always remains is the Love of God- who loves us now, who loved us then and who will love us forever.
 Enjoy this lovely song I LOVED YOU THEN – 33 Miles
Pain touches everyone
Heartache falls on every heart
And all of us go through the storm
It doesn't matter who you are
And you're up against the wind
And you feel you've just lost your way
Listen to me say...

I loved you then, I love you now
I will love you tomorrow
When this world breaks you down
I will give you strength to stand
Look to me, take my hand and just believe
Before this day ever began, I loved you then

Time changes everything
Moments fly by like the wind
You can try to hold on so tight
But you'll never get time back again
You feel stuck with your mistakes
Can't turn anything around
And it seems there's no way out

I won't let you go, not even for a minute
So don't lose hope
Pain touches everyone
Heartache falls on every heart
I loved you then, I love you now
I will love you tomorrow
When this world breaks you down
I will give you strength to stand
Look to me, take my hand and just believe
Before this day ever began, Before this day ever began,
I loved you then, I loved you then

Hope you feel better now. I know I do. Praise the Lord that Jesus is the Rock on which we can stand in this life! Have a blessed day!
Take care, God bless,
Sparky Laurie

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