
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sept 20th 2011 TILL DEATH DO US PART

Dear Friends,
I just came across this lovely song which shares with us the key to a perfectly happy and blessed marriage. I’d just like to share a few personal thoughts on this. For those of us who have tied the knot, we know how marriage can actually bring out both the worst and the best in us.
Ecclesiastes 4: 12 says “Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”- This refers to the power in unity.  One person can be easily overpowered but when there are two it is more difficult and when three it is impossible to break. The three fold cord refers to three parties agreeing and in a marriage it refers to GOD and the HUSBAND and WIFE in agreement.
If we try to get all our needs met by another person (however wonderful and loving they may be), we will always be disappointed and this causes unnecessary pain to each other but when we give God our first priority and ask Him to satisfy us with His love so that we can love our spouse better, He will bless us and our marriage so that now instead of fixing our eyes on each other, we both fix our eyes on the Lord and this actually enables us to love each other better.
 The Bible becomes our Marriage Manual, the Holy Spirit our Guide, Prayer our time of Agreement and we start to enjoy the adventure of married life. Trust me, it works God wants to help us in our marriages too.
There is one prayer that I always pray as regards to our marriage:
“Lord, you who brought us together, keep us together. The Family that prays together, stays together.”

Enjoy this lovely song THE MARRIAGE PRAYER sung by John Waller and his wife Josee Waller:   Click :

Father, I said till
Death do us part
I want to mean it
With all of my heart
Help me to love you
More than I love her
 Then I know I can
Love her more
Than anyone else
And bring her in
Your presence today
Make her what
You want her to be  
I pray to hear her heart
I pray she'll love you more
I pray to cherish and serve her
 And we'll bring you glory today, I pray

Father, I said till
Death do us part
I want to mean it
With all of my heart
Help me to love you
More than I love him
Then I know I can
Love him more
Than anyone else
And bring him in
Your presence today
Make him what
You want him to be

Chorus: Bridge:  Lord, help me love her
As you love the church, your bride
(Josee) Help me submit to him
As I submit to you, my life
Chorus: (2x)
This is my prayer Amen

 Let this be our prayer too, today and every day ! Have a blessed week!

Take care, God bless,
Sparky Laurie

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