
Monday, September 5, 2011

Its gonna be alright...He will Never Let You Go!

Dear Friend,
How are you today? In this post, I’d like to share with you a beautiful Song I just came across. The wonderful lyrics gives us the universally needed message of HOPE. I pray that God speaks to you and that this anointed Song encourages you as much as it has helped me. 
In this forever changing world which is so uncertain , there is only one thing that is certain and that remains the same - and that is GOD ALMIGHTY.  James 1:17 says God does not change like shifting shadows.

Heb 13:8: “Jesus is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever.” As natural calamities , disasters & chaos fills our cities, we the Children of the Living God have the blessed privilege of being secure and confident  untouched by what happens around us.
Psalms 91:7:“Though a thousand fall at our side, though ten thousand are dying around us, these evils will not touch us.” We can sleep in peace and rest assured that the Arms that hold the Universe will hold us secure and the voice that calmed the raging sea that calls us His child will always be there to comfort us.
I want to encourage you today Friend that no matter where you are in life today- on the mountain top or in the dark valley deep, know for sure that our Loving God is totally in control and it is His promise that He will never let you go. He reassures us in Psalms 46:10 : “Be still and know that I am God.”
Have a blessed week.
Click to enjoy this beautiful Song : ARMS THAT HOLD THE UNIVERSE (by 33 Miles):

Take Care, God bless,
Sparky Laurie

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