
Thursday, August 25, 2011


Hi friends,
Sometimes in life we go through moments when we just cannot discipline ourselves to focus on anything ; let alone prayer. Through 3 musical videos this post shares how I survive those dry days and tackle those tough moments when the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. I truly believe this may encourage someone today.

1) Be Honest with God-

Talk to Him like a little child and just tell Him how you feel in simple words- Something like this, "Abba I don't feel like praying today. I am tired Lord and though I trust and love you with all of my being I just feel so far away from you. Draw me close to you. I surrender into your hands this dark moment. Turn it around into something good and use it for Your glory. I cling on to your promises in blind faith and obedience believing that you will see me through like you always have. Thank you Lord." In Jesus name - Amen.

Enjoy this lovely song which gives the same message: 

2) Write a Letter to God (Journal) - 

Journaling into a personal diary always helps us to get things out from deep inside of us. Writing out what we are feeling inside helps us to clear our mind and really understand what is bothering us. We may also be able to express ourselves in songs or poems. The much loved Book of Psalms in the Bible is actually such a journal account of the outpourings from the heart of King David. God loves it when we are so vulnerably honest with Him and that is why David was called a Man after God’s own Heart.

Here's a similar account in which 9 year old Tyler who is battling with cancer writes out his heart to God. A really touching Video from the movie "Letters to God". 

3) Thank God -

When we choose to Praise and Worship God even when we don’t feel like, it means we are now looking at God's face and not His hand. This always pleases God. When we count our blessings, we will realize that we already have more than enough to be grateful to God and that will lift our Spirits up. A Gratitude Journal may help in doing this * (Refer AN ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE).

Enjoy this beautiful song by Don Moen which never fails to uplift our spirits!
 I started writing this post feeling a little low myself but now feel great and am sure you too do.Trust me, these 3 ways always work! ;)

Have a blessed week,
Take care, God bless,
Sparky Laurie

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