
Sunday, May 8, 2011


Today being Mother’s Day, I thought the best topic to write about was this one:
“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God gives you.”Exodus 20:12

Let me start off with a round of applause for all you mothers out there. Mothers by choice, mothers by chance, single mothers, birth mothers, adoptive mothers, expecting mothers, newborn mothers, stepmothers, spiritual mothers, grandmothers….
There is one thing in common for  all of the above mothers …every new mother no matter how well informed or trained,at first feels a genuine sense of dread and inadequacy for the task. It never ceases to astonish me how the All knowing Creator of the Universe who knows us only too well, deliberately chooses to entrust a delicate and innocent life into our hands. Ann Voskamp says it so beautifully: If I myself was bent and crooked, how could I possibly raise a sapling into a straight, strong tree? ….How could I, in all frankness, have the wherewithal and competence to lead another human being into the good and right way when I didn’t know the way myself?..... A Bible lay open on my side table Isa 40:11 ..He gently leads those that have young………Perhaps there was something more powerful to experience than a perfect Mother: the wonder of a committed Mother who simply humbles herself. The Shepherd leads those with young not to be Hallmark versions of perfection, but rather persevering versions of humility. Grace stands in the gaps.”

How very true it is that we enter motherhood full of imperfections and maybe in some ways we are just “older kids” ourselves; groping and trying to make sense of our own existence! Often the realization of our inadequacies hits us so hard and fast-that we crumble down on our knees and ask our Heavenly Father , "Doesn’t this darling baby deserve someone better ?" The Lord answers us almost immediately in an unexpected manner:  we hear a soft cry calling to us for comfort ,we feel the sudden warm touch of a chubby hand reminding us that we are needed,we look up to find two doe like innocent eyes looking into ours daring us to become strong, we see the mischievous smiles, the naughty grins ,the first tottering steps, we hear the happy giggles,the babbling sounds and suddenly we forget our fears and instead we gratefully remember we are mothers!These are miracle moments of any mother- the moments that transform us; that make us realize that if God has trusted us,He definitely expects us to trust Him! These are moments that make parenting definitely worthwhile! Treasures you wouldn’t trade for the finest diamonds in the world!
Let us now see what are some of the different roles of mothers:
1)She is an IntercessorShe is the one who sheds tears and prays for our safety,happiness and prosperity.
2)She is an Artist:   She draws/makes crafts,collects and treasures her children’s works.
3)She is an Encourager:She is always ready to express words of encouragement and give pats on the back.It is she who gets most excited and yells the most at our first tottering steps and unintelligible babbles.
4)She is a Nurse: When we fall sick,she is there to take care of us,give us our medicines,make sure we are alright.
5)She is a Nourisher:She takes care of our diet and provides us with healthy and nutritious food
6)She is a Disciplinarian: She scolds us and corrects us when we do wrong
7)She is an Entertainer:A Mother can make faces,dance like crazy,sing out of tune, babble in our language just to see us smile and to hear us laugh.
8)She is a Mediator: Sometimes mum is the person needed to seal the deal!
9)She is an Advocate:She is the person we can turn to for support or wise judgement or advice.
10)She is a Counsellor:A mother knows and understands her child best. A mother understands what a child does not say.-Jewish Proverb
11)She is a Confider:We can tell her our secrets without worrying about her using it against us.
12)She is the best Well wisher:It is her eyes that fill with thankful tears, it is her voice that quivers when we tell her about how we overcame our struggles.
13)She is a Playmate:She invents new games to play with us and makes learning a fun experience!
14)She is a Protector:She keeps us safe from danger and when in any kind of trouble we can run to her sure that she will know what to do.
15)She is a Comforter:She is the one who can kiss away our tears and soothe away our fears. A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials, heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine, desert us when troubles thicken around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts. Washington Irving
16)She is a Teacher: She is the one who teaches us our first lessons. "The mother's heart is the child's schoolroom." Henry Ward Beecher
17)She is a Giver: She gives of her time ,her health,her knowledge,her sleep even sometimes her share! A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.- Tenneva Jordan
18)Above All, She is a Miracle Worker and her Magic is her LOVE : Mother and love differ only in name for the miracles they work are one and the same.

The Magic of a Mother’s Love:
The magic of a mother’s love
Brings harmony and bliss.
It covers like a blanket
And cures boo-boos with a kiss.
It offers grand protection
From evil that lurks ‘round,
It tames the fears of little ones
And turns frowns upside down.
It holds a wealth of wisdom
With gentleness it guides,
It holds the hand when needed
Then lets go with tears of pride.
And though those precious childhood years
In an instant pass,
The love and magic mom instills
Will last…and last…and last.
...Author Unknown

We have spoken a good deal about Mothers, it would only be fair to now say a few words about the crucial role that the father plays in the healthy upbringing of children. Gone are the days when parenting and nurture was the sole responsibility of the mother and the father went out to the forest to hunt prey for the family dinner! Instead of the proverbial "hand"that rocks the cradle ,I like to picture a pair of  two hands rocking the cradle gently from one side to the other. One hand is the mother’s and one hand is the father’s. Though the mother is definitely the primary caregiver who plays a major role, the importance of the father cannot be undermined. Every child needs both parents for his or her proper intellectual, physical, emotional, social & spiritual development. It is the quality of time spent with the child that matters more than the quantity.

What Makes A Dad ?

God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so, He called it ... "DAD!"

..Author Unknown


It is true that only when we become a parent that we fully realize and learn to appreciate the great sacrifices made and the unconditional love that our parents have for us.
Parents are God’s greatest gifts to us.We are what we are because of our parents and let us never forget that. God commands us to love,honor and take care of them.We should be ready always to be to them the same loving,caring,patient and kind persons that they were to us.Let us help them walk in their old age when their legs are weak and feeble just as they taught us to walk when our baby legs were not strong enough,let us patiently repeat things to their slow to hear ears just like they repeatedly read us stories over and over again to put us to sleep,let us impart strength and encouragement to them when they are tired and discouraged just as they never gave up on us no matter how difficult we were.Let us be with them when they are lonely just as they were always there for us.Let us never cease to remind them that we will forever be grateful for all that they have done for us and that we immensely value what they continue to do for us.Above all let us pray for their health,happiness and long life just as they have been praying this prayer for us from the time we were born.We owe it to them.They deserve it.And finally let us follow their wonderful example in life; Let us bequeath to our children the same 3 gifts that our loving parents have blessed our lives with:
the roots of responsibility, the wings of independence and a heart full of the unconditional love that can come only from up above!

Enjoy this Beautiful Video : Find Your Wings by Mark Harris (Duration 3:33 mins)

Pls click on this link to hear it:
Happy Mother's Day!

Take care, God bless,
Sparky Laurie
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