
Monday, May 16, 2011


This week’s Blog post is one that I am very much pressed in spirit to write about. I hope and pray that it is a real encouragement to you today!
  Mathew 8:26:And Jesus said to them, Why are you fearful, O you of little faith? Then he arose, and rebuked the winds and the sea; and there was a great calm.”
We live in a world that fills even the bravest of us with fear. A glance at the morning paper or listening to the morning news is a sure recipe to be filled with uncertainty, doubt, anxiety, insecurity and fear. Many times in life we come across this powerful negative emotion that sometimes paralyses our thinking capacity and almost always tries to keep us from doing the good that we want to and thus fulfilling our God given destiny. The truth is there is no one who is all the time totally 100% free from this dreadful emotion called FEAR.

Fear is torment. When we are really afraid, we are not able to think clearly or do the things we normally do in an easy manner. Fear almost always either makes us inactive or causes us to postpone action. We wait for the time when we will be better equipped or not fearful or more capable and the truth is that day will never come. As the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 11:4: “Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest.”

What life teaches us is that Opportunity rarely visits and we should be ready for her when she knocks or else we may not meet her again. To quote Rita Cooledge, “too often opportunity knocks but manytimes by the time we disengage the chain, push back the bolt, unhook the two locks and shut off the buglar alarms,it is too late” If we ask ourselves what the the real reason for the many missed Opportunities in our past life were, most certainly the real villain was “OUR OWN FEAR!”
Fear is what Satan uses to rob us of our God given destiny. I have read that what Faith is to God, Fear is to satan. I’d like to say: If Faith makes the impossible possible, fear makes the possible impossible!
If we could look at the bigger picture and actually realize that valuable time is fleeting by, we would then learn to shirk from our fears and make the most of our days. Often caught up in the frenzy of life to reach our destination, we forget to enjoy the journey! Every day we hear about unpredicted natural disasters, wars, accidents, diseases like cancer and the like that take away the lives of so many around us so suddenly and unexpectedly and yet we take for granted the very breath of life! We forget that LIFE IS A GIFT TO BE TREASURED AND ENJOYED!

Watching movies like THE BUCKET LIST reminds us that it is never too late nor too early to live our dreams. Let this be a wakeup call for us to remind us that ….NOW is the only time we have …. And so we should go ahead and live our dreams while we can do something to make them happen. At least we can start off by listing our dreams, dividing them into immediate/short term /long term and then praying about them, making action plans or brainstorming about how we can make them happen.

 Dear reader, what are the special things you would like to do if you were not afraid?

Or rather just imagine that you had only a month more to live….what would be 15 things you would want to do if you knew that you would never get another chance ever again. Close your eyes for a minute and ask the child in you what he/she wants. Let it be crazy, irrational, childish, extravagant, foolish, funny, adventurous maybe even impossible. Just note it down. Make your very own BUCKET LIST today.
My Bucket list
Don’t give up on any of your dreams just because they seem far- fetched or because at present you may not have the necessary resources required or the full information as to how to accomplish them. Set them down, start praying and do all u can to make it happen and ultimately God will do the rest!

 “Hold fast to dreams for if they die, life is like a broken winged bird that cannot fly.”

We all have dreams and love to dream, then why do we let go of them? One of the main reasons most of us surrender our dreams is FEAR: fear of risk, failure, reproach, embarrassment, being ridiculed, being rejected, being criticized, being hurt, being alone etc. True, there is a risk involved and a 50% chance of failure each time but ultimately if you don’t try u will never know. After all,A Ship is safe at the shore but that is not what it is built for”-Albert Einstein. So go ahead and take a Risk. As Joyce Meyer says , “DO IT AFRAID.”
Courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to face fear and overcome it. Do it in spite of the Fear .The easiest way is to do it in HIS strength without too much reasoning or logic .Would David, the Shepherd Boy (1 Samuel 17) have ever been able to defeat the giant Goliath had he listened to reasoning or logic? Heb 11:1 says: “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen!”

What have you been putting back due to fear? What noble deeds have you left undone? Do them while you can! What have you in your hand to share with others? Is it your talents/your time/your contacts/your wealth/your skills/your sense of humor/ a word of encouragement or is it your smile? Look around you and there are a million small opportunities to bless someone today. Go ahead and change a life.
"Great opportunities to help others seldom come, but small ones surround us every day." – Sally Koch
Have you been postponing something you wanted to do badly for a long time?DO IT NOW,as the Nike slogan goes, JUST DO IT!
  • To call your aged parents and tell them you are grateful for the wonderful people they are and that you love them?
  • To mail a friend you hold so dear to heart who you know is going through a tough time?
  • Is there someone who has hurt you in the past and you are still carrying that pain around? LET IT GO and extend your hand of friendship to them once again.It will free you and make your spirits soar high once again.
  • Or have you just been postponing accepting the Lord Jesus as Savior for a later time, ponder over this quote for a minute! : “Don’t expect to repent in the eleventh hour, you may die at ten- thirty!”Yes, life is so uncertain don’t gamble with your soul. Make a decision today and enjoy the benefits forever!

Congratulations if you have made that decision today.
Your life is a gift from God, live it to the fullest! FACE YOUR FEARS, LIVE YOUR DREAMS!
Let me leave you with an Inspirational Poem that I love: It’s called 'GO FOR IT!'
Shake off your doubts and then go for it
Check out your options and act
Find an approach to the future
And turn today’s dreams into fact.
Take a first step to tomorrow
Start on the course of your choice
Look at what life has to offer
Listen to your inner voice.
Don’t live a life of regretting
Stifled by negative force.
Think of what you can accomplish
Steer an affirmative course.
Build on activities positive,
Work with abundance of heart.
By making the best of the present,
Change is the process you start.
Even though problems may surface
Problems don’t have to prevail
As long as you’re one who is trying
And never just waiting to fail.
-Bruce B Wilmer
Have a great week!
Take care, God bless,
Sparky Laurie
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