
Tuesday, October 25, 2022

The Resurrected King

He is not here; He has Risen ,just as He said!" _Mathew 28:6

Hi friends,

Hope you are doing fine. Just want to share some thoughts that came to mind when I came across this lovely song "Resurrecting" which is filled with hope. It is applicable to all of our lives. In some area or other all of us have dead situations in our life , broken dreams, things we may have wished and wanted but never could attain for ourselves. When speaking about Resurrection, what comes to mind is the story of Lazarus.  How Jesus visited Mary and Martha at Bethany only after two more days in spite of knowing that His loved friend Lazarus was very sick. (John 11:6) I have always wondered why the Lord didn't hurry to Bethany or why He didn't heal him with a word as He had healed so many with a word from the place He was. In fact, He actually delays two more days and Lazarus dies. He then tells His disciples that Lazarus is dead and lets go to him. The disciples must have thought Him crazy. But the Lord knew what He was doing. The heartbroken Martha runs to Jesus and tells Him that if He were there, Lazarus would not have died. Jesus assures her that Lazarus would rise again. Later we read in John 11:33 ,35 that Jesus, moved by Compassion, weeps and groans when He saw Mary and the others weeping. Such a great & loving Lord we have! Then when Jesus tells them to take away the stone from the tomb entrance , we hear how Martha reminds him that it had been four days now and there would be a stench from the decaying body. But Jesus insists and  explains to them that if they believed, they would see the Glory of God. So they obey and watch in amazement as Jesus calls Lazarus to come forth from the grave. Lazarus is raised from the dead. Jesus asks that he be loosed from the grave clothes and be set free. 

The Resurrected King resurrects our situations too. No matter whether we understand why the All powerful Jesus delays in coming to set us free. No matter that we think it is over and the situation is decayed and rotten.... let us remember that just like in Lazarus case, just as Jesus our Lord and Savior rose again on the Third Day, The Resurrected King is resurrecting all the dead and hopeless situations of our life. So we can get expectant and be filled with a fresh hope knowing that if we have surrendered our life to the Lord, no matter what happens in our Life, we are never beyond His reach. He will resurrect us and breathe into us His breath of life!

Enjoy the anointed song "Resurrecting" by Elevation Worship

The head that once was crowned with thorns

Is crowned with glory now

The Savior knelt to wash our feet
Now at His feet we bow
The One who wore our sin and shame
Now robed in majesty
The radiance of perfect love
Now shines for all to see
Your name, Your name
Is victory
All praise, will rise
To Christ, our king
Your name, Your name
Is victory
All praise, will rise
To Christ, our king
The fear that held us now gives way
To Him who is our peace
His final breath upon the cross
Is now alive in me
Your name, Your name
Is victory
All praise, will rise
To Christ, our king
Your name, Your name
Is victory
All praise, will rise
To Christ, our king
By Your spirit I will rise
From the ashes of defeat
The resurrected King, is resurrecting me
In Your name I come alive
To declare Your victory
The resurrected King, is resurrecting me
By Your spirit I will rise
From the ashes of defeat
The resurrected King, is resurrecting me
In Your name I come alive
To declare Your victory (c'mon!)
The resurrected King, is resurrecting me
By Your spirit I will rise
From the ashes of defeat
The resurrected King, is resurrecting me
In Your name I come alive
To declare Your victory
The resurrected king, is resurrecting me
He's resurrecting me
Our God is good, oh
The tomb where soldiers watched in vain
Was borrowed for three days
His body there would not remain
Our God has robbed the grave
Our God has robbed the grave (yes He has, yes He has)
Your name, Your name
Is victory
All praise, will rise
To Christ our king
Your name, Your name
Is victory
All praise, will rise
To Christ our king
By Your spirit I will rise
From the ashes of defeat
The resurrected King, is resurrecting me
In Your name I come alive
To declare Your victory
The resurrected King, is resurrecting me
By Your spirit I will rise
From the ashes of defeat
The resurrected King, is resurrecting me
In Your name I come alive
To declare Your victory
The resurrected King, is resurrecting me
By Your spirit I will rise
From the ashes of defeat
The resurrected King, is resurrecting me
In Your name I come alive
To declare Your victory
The resurrected king, is resurrecting me
The resurrected king, is resurrecting me, yeah
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Christopher Brown / Mack Brock / Matthews Thabo Ntele / Steven Furtick / Wade Joye
Resurrecting lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

Have a blessed week!

Sparky Laurie :)

Friday, May 6, 2022

There is No one Like You Lord!

"No one is like you, LORD; you are great, and your name is mighty in power."-Jer 10:6

Hi friends,

It’s been a while since I have penned down something. Hope you are all doing fine! Often in our life's journey, we come to the realization that in spite of the many wonderful people in our life; there is  only ONE who really understands us and loves us completely & unconditionally! That person is the Lord Jesus Christ. The One who can do the unthinkable for us. I just came across this Song 'Graves Into Gardens'  by Elevation Worship. This song speaks volumes about our Lord. Sharing it with you hoping and believing that it will bless you!

He is the God turns graves into gardens (2 Kings 13), bones into armies ( Ezekiel 37) seas into highways (Exodus 14) ..He is the One who makes the Impossible Possible. He’s the ONLY one who can do it!

Sharing a similar song in Hindi 'Tumsa Koi Nahin'by Yeshua Ministries which speaks about our God describing why there’s no one like Him!

Hope you were blessed by these anointed songs !


Sparky Laurie