
Friday, October 23, 2020

Father, I thank you!

Dear Friends, 

Hope you are all safe and fine by the Grace of God. Its been a while since I've penned down something. While going through the ups and downs of our life, one thing remains constant and that is the Matchless, Unfailing , All Knowing , All Seeing  Love of Father God. What can we give Him in return for all His Goodness to us? I am reminded of this quote by Meister Eckhart ; "If the only prayer we  ever say in our life is Thankyou, that would suffice." I recently came across this beautiful song of Gratitude by Jeremy & Adrienne Camp which speaks about this experience in all its fullness.  

Hope this song blesses you as much as it blessed me.


Your words engrave the pages of my heart

From Your love, I know I'm never torn apart

You crashed into my darkness and my doubt

I will always have a reason to cry out

Father, I thank You

                                                                     For this glorious rescue

This moment of breakthrough
Father, I thank You 
Father, I thank You
'Cause Your promise remains true
There's nothing You can't do
Father, I thank You
I'm brought into Your family unashamed
I'm safe, forever held by Your embrace
My past is never held over my head
'Cause You see me through the blood that Jesus shed
Father, I thank You
For this glorious rescue
This moment of breakthrough
Father, I thank You
Father, I thank You
'Cause Your promise remains true
There's nothing You can't do
Father, I thank You
Raised from my broken state
Healed to eternal grace
And You call me Yours
You made a way for me
Drowned fear in victory
And You called me Yours
Your love is now my home
Sorrow's been turned to hope
And You called me Yours
Father, I thank You (Father, I thank you)
For this glorious rescue (glorious rescue)
This moment of breakthrough
Father, I thank You (You are my breakthrough)
Father, I thank You
'Cause Your promise remains true (Your promise remains true)
There's nothing You can't do
Father, I thank You
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, I thank You

Stay blessed,
 Sparky laurie

Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Calm...after the Storm (poem)

Hi friends,
Hope you are doing well. With the corona outbreak and the resulting lock-down, lots of people are suffering at this time in different ways... I dedicate this poem to all who are experiencing a storm in their life.Believe me, there's definitely a Calm... after the Storm. So, let me share this poem that the Lord enabled me to pen for such a time as this...

The Calm after the Storm..

I took a walk in my garden today
And here and there ripe guavas lay
Today is sunny and bright
From afar I see warm bursts of sunlight
Treading slowly I enjoy the breeze
Beautiful colorful flowers smiling back at me
Fresh wafts of air in my nostrils
The glistening grass ; greener than ever
How different from yesterday when all was dark and dreary
Pitter - patter raindrops falling
Come inside mother starts calling
Birds all to their nests
The lightning peals the sky
Tightly I close my eyes
The threatening sound of the rumbling thunder
Children huddled to their chests
Power cuts resulting in darkness
Candles overcoming the blackness
Winds whooshing …banging doors and windows
Waiting for the storm to pass we fall asleep
Waking up to a beautiful morning
The calm…. after the storm has passed
A lesson we can learn from Mother Nature.
So it is with every one of us
No matter how dark or deep or dreary the storm;
Hold on tight…don’t lose hope….
Wait prayerfully for there always is the calm…. after the storm!

-Sparky Laurie 
(22nd April 2020)

Monday, February 3, 2020

What is it you have in your hand?

Hi friends,

Hope you are doing good.  

The text that inspired me to write this post was the narration of the Widow’s mites in Luke 21:1-4. “And Jesus sat over against the treasury and beheld how people cast money into the treasury; and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites (very small monetary unit), which make a farthing (quarter of a penny) And He called unto Him His disciples and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.” - Mark 12:41-44.

When we read the Old Testament, we find in the book of Exodus, God calling Moses to be His mouthpiece and to go to Pharaoh to bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt. Moses questions the Lord asking Him “why should they hearken to my voice and believe me ?” God simply asks Moses the more important question: “what do you have in your hand?” Moses replies that he has a rod (being a shepherd in the wilderness) and God shows him how to use it. Moses obeys God and throws it on the ground and it becomes a snake, God then asks Moses to put forth his hand and take the snake by the tail and it becomes a rod once again. This miracle would cause others to believe that the Lord God had appeared before Moses.
God could have chosen anything to do the miracle but He chose the Shepherd’s Rod that was already in Moses hand. 

Similarly God has put into each of our hands something; maybe treasure, time, talent and He expects us to put to good use that which He has given us. If we look at others who have more than us, we will feel inferior and will not be able to do that which God has already empowered us to do. On the other hand, looking at people who seem to have lesser than us may make us feel superior to them but this is also not what God wants from us. Any kind of comparison between apples and oranges is not fair because they are two different fruits- their color, fragrance, taste, etc are all different similarly, all of God’s creations are unique and special in their own way.

In the story of the Widow’s Mites God sees how she gives all that she has with a willing heart. She is not holding back anything; even for her existence. It is probably her faith in Jehovah Jireh (Provider) that encourages her to part with her last two coins. It amazes me how the Lord thinks. Anybody would have questioned whether her putting her two coins would make any difference to the money collected that day but this God of ours who is a God who sees our hearts, not only welcomes the widow’s mites but makes a profound statement to the disciples that – “this woman has put in more than any of the other contributors.”

Of course, ours is a God who fed the 5000 with a young lad’s lunch box of five loaves and two fish. Even when His disciples question the Lord in John 6:9 “what are they among so many? The Lord answers to make them sit and He blesses and breaks the food and there was plenty for all.

Many times we question the value of what we have to give to the Lord. But He doesn’t want our ability only our availability. As He is a God who always uses that which He has already placed in our hand. So let us make sure that we never belittle what little we have but that we make full use of that which He has placed into our hands.

Not only does it displease the Lord when we do not make use of our Talents,but it makes Him angry.  As we can see in the Parable of the Talents in Mathew 25:25-30, He calls the third servant a wicked and slothful servant for digging the coin in the ground. Jesus says “For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance : but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.”

 In another place, the Lord Jesus curses the fig tree for not bearing fruit and it withers away. (Mathew 21:19)

In yet another incident, we can see how important it is to be honest with that which is in our hands. In Acts 5:1-11 we see how Ananias and Sapphira lied about the money that they had got after selling a possession. They kept part of it for themselves and lied to the Holy Spirit even when questioned by Peter about the amount. Both of them fell down and died that day. On the one hand, we see a Lord whose heart is touched by the Widows Mites and on the other hand we see how dishonesty angers the Lord.

The best way is to be grateful to the Lord for every little thing He has bestowed on us and surrender it all back to Him to use it for His Glory alone. At the end of it all, Jesus will never ask us what we did with what we didn’t have but surely He will ask us what we did with what we had. Let us make sure that when He does ask us we will be able to say confidently that we have done all we could with all we had been given.

Have a blessed week,
Sparky laurie                                                      

Monday, January 13, 2020

The Goodness of God

Hi friends,
It was been a while since I've shared something. First things first, Wishing you a wonderful 2020!!!
We are indeed so privileged to enter this New Year when many have passed away.Let us step into this new decade and new year with a fresh 20-20 vision that God has for us. No matter the trials that we go through or have gone through, one thing remains forever; and that is His Goodness has and will never fail us. At the beginning of this year, a sister of mine had shared this verse Psalms 23:6 which says "Surely Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life"and yesterday I came across this beautiful song full of gratitude and thanksgiving for His Goodness and faithfulness and am sharing it with you. Let us sing of the Goodness of God no matter where we are for we have lived in the Goodness of God.

Song by Jenn Johnson (Bethel Music)

Have a blessed week,

Sparky Laurie