
Monday, January 13, 2020

The Goodness of God

Hi friends,
It was been a while since I've shared something. First things first, Wishing you a wonderful 2020!!!
We are indeed so privileged to enter this New Year when many have passed away.Let us step into this new decade and new year with a fresh 20-20 vision that God has for us. No matter the trials that we go through or have gone through, one thing remains forever; and that is His Goodness has and will never fail us. At the beginning of this year, a sister of mine had shared this verse Psalms 23:6 which says "Surely Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life"and yesterday I came across this beautiful song full of gratitude and thanksgiving for His Goodness and faithfulness and am sharing it with you. Let us sing of the Goodness of God no matter where we are for we have lived in the Goodness of God.

Song by Jenn Johnson (Bethel Music)

Have a blessed week,

Sparky Laurie