
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

A Reminder Of Who We Are

"For we are all children of God through faith in Christ Jesus."- Gal 3:26
Hi friends,
Hope you are doing fine. Today I was just listening to this Song by Phil Wickham and thought of sharing it. It reminds us that we are not just ordinary people on this earth but rather we have a mission and vision - We are believers, We are Soldiers - warriors not wimps and We are Pilgrims on an assignment and on a journey to reach home. Standing together, United WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF GOD! Lets never forget that. We have lots to do ...we fight with Faith & Love. He will complete what He has started in us.

Enjoy Children Of God by Phil Wickham:

I am convinced and confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in us will [continue to] perfect and complete it until the day of Christ Jesus [the time of His return].Phil 1:6

Let us continue to uphold one another in prayer.

Love n prayers,
Sparky Laurie

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

His Love Endures Forever!

Hi friends,
Hope you are all doing well.This week I'd like to share this song by the Rizers which speaks about how God's love endures forever! Things change, circumstances change, people change but our Lord never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Let's sing Psalms 136 :2-4 with a grateful heart.
Hope you enjoy this catchy tune....

Have a blessed week!
Sparky laurie